Senior Years - Caring for your older pets
May 2024

As our pets age, we want them to enjoy their golden years, and remain as healthy and happy as possible. Although they may not need as much exercise and might be happy to sleep half the day away, we need to keep a close eye on any changes that are occurring in their bodies.

Below are some common conditions that older dogs can suffer from and signs for you to monitor at home.


•Stiff, stilted gait

•Struggling to rise or lie down

•Weakness in hindlimbs

•Lameness or pain

•Reluctance to walk or play

•Unable to settle and get comfortable while sleeping

Dental disease

•Bad breath

•Tooth discolouration, tartar forming on teeth

•Red, inflamed gums

•Missing or loose teeth

•Loss of appetite

•Sore mouth/oral pain


•Sadly there are many types of cancer that pets can get, and they all cause slightly different clinical signs and symptoms

•Any lumps or bumps should be regularly checked, especially if they are growing fast or annoying your pet

•Any weight loss or appetite changes

•Changes to your pets behaviour

Kidney disease, diabetes or other chronic changes

•These are often associated with increased drinking or change of appetite as well as weight loss.

A lot of older pets diseases are progressive and early detection allows for better quality of life and treatment options. Regular vet checkups are the best way to ensure your pet is as healthy as they can be, and to discuss how to ensure your pet is happy in their golden years. Blood tests or other diagnostic tests may be recommended to help the vet diagnose any conditions early on, and blood tests can be run during a consultation.

Vetora are running a Golden Paws promotion in May to help us look after your older pets - both dogs and cats. Please call your clinic to book in for this promotion.